Just Because Flowers - by Best Flower Shops Toronto

Surprise someone special with a bouquet from Trillium Florist, Inc.! From romantic roses to modern arrangements, we’ve got it all! We can even deliver your bouquet nationwide or locally to Pickering, ON. Don’t wait, send a surprise today!


Pleasing Purple Bouquet Flower

Lavender roses, white Asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube. Click to order


Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket Plant

Best florist in Toronto presents, A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful. 


New Sensations Flowers

Green and pink hydrangeas, green cymbidium orchids, hot pink and lavender roses, tulips and more are beautifully arranged in a large clear glass cylinder vase. Place your order get fast Flowers Delivery Toronto, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby etc.

Blooming Garden Basket Flowers

A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle. Buy online from Best Flower shops Toronto Trillium Florist, Inc.


Trillium Florist Canada

Ordering Flowers Online by Trillium Florist Canada we are an exquisite online destination for purchasing exotic and ageless floral bouquets that will express your heartfelt emotions in an elegant manner.

Contact Us

Trillium Florist, Inc.

1794 Liverpool Road,

Pickering, ON L1V 4G7

(905) 831-0753


